Dental Cleaning & Checkups In Katy, TX

Making time for a regularly scheduled dental teeth cleaning is important for your overall health and well-being. This treatment ensures that your gums and teeth are healthy, while preventing oral complications from escalating. Schedule an appointment with Katy Lakes Dentistry for your regular teeth cleaning today!


What is Dental Teeth Cleaning?

Regular dental teeth cleaning, or oral prophylaxis, is a routine visit to the dentist to have a thorough examination of the health of your gums and teeth, and a cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar build up from teeth surfaces. 

Similar to a general health visit to the doctors, dental teeth cleaning helps you and the Katy Lake Dentistry team stay updated on your oral hygiene and health, while taking preventative measures from complications such as cavities, bad breath, tooth decay, and periodontal (gum) disease.

dental cleaning and checkup routine

How Often Should Your Teeth Be Cleaned?

Most dentists and dental hygienists recommend teeth cleaning every 6 months, or at the bare minimum, once a year. Some patients may need to visit more frequently depending on patient-by-patient underlying health conditions. 

According to a scholarly journal published by the National Library of Medicine, “2 preventive dental visits annually were superior to 1 relative to long-term tooth loss.” The importance of regular preventative dental visits is of utmost importance to maintaining healthy oral hygiene.

Why is Routine Teeth Cleaning Important?

Routine teeth cleaning plays an important role in your overall oral hygiene and health. Aside from brushing your teeth and flossing daily, a routine cleaning ensures the removal of plaque and tartar build up and taking precautions to prevent any further complications that may arise. Most significantly, it allows dentists or dental hygienists to assess the health of your gums and teeth to identify any complications that need to be brought to attention at earlier stages. 

  • Removes plaque and tartar buildup on teeth surfaces
  • Prevention of Caries and Gingivitis
  • Check ups on any previous dental work (crowns, fillings, implants, etc.)
  • Detection of any oral complications at early stages for manageable treatments
  • Keeps you and dentists informed on the health of your teeth and gums

Why Choose Katy Lakes Dentistry for Dental Teeth Cleaning?

Best Dentist Near Me

Our goal here at Katy Lakes Dentistry is to provide affordable and welcoming dental services to residents of Katy, Texas and surrounding cities. Routine preventative and diagnostic care, like dental teeth cleanings, are typically fully covered by dental insurance. Consider taking full advantage of your dental insurance and schedule a visit for your routine dental cleaning. Let’s continue or start your journey to more confident smiles and a healthy lifestyle!

Based in Katy, TX

Single tooth implant in katy Lakes Tx

Personalized Care

Accepts Most Insurance

Dedicated Dental Team

Dental Teeth Cleaning Process:
Step-by-Step Explanation

1. Scheduling An Appointment:
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends a routine dental cleaning twice a year. We make it simple to book your next appointment with a fully online scheduler. or give us a call to schedule an appointment with us. 

2. Quick Consultation:
Our dentist or dental hygienist will welcome you in and ask some simple questions about your oral hygiene. If there are any questions or concerns, such as tooth pains or sensitivity, this would be a perfect time to inform them.

3. Routine X-Rays:
For a precise examination of your teeth, an noninvasive x-ray screening is performed so our dental team can analyze the condition of your roots and oral cavity that is under your teeth and gums.

4. Oral Examination:
The team will begin a thorough assessment of the overall health of your teeth and gums. Address any concerns that were brought up to inform you of any potential complications or areas that need more attention in your daily at-home oral hygiene care.


 5. Cleaning:
Now, our team will begin scaling your teeth by removing any plaque or tartar near the gum line and between teeth, especially in hard-to-reach places like the back molars. This procedure prevents further buildup and alleviates the chances of gum disease.

6. Polishing:
Once all plaque and tartar has been scaled out and the teeth are cleaned, our team will polish-clean your teeth with a professional-grade toothbrush and toothpaste. Polishing essentially restores the smoothness and integrity of your teeth without damaging the enamels.

7. Fluoride Rinse:
When your teeth are cleaned and polished, we will provide you with fluoride rinse to effectively kill any bacteria and reduce the rate of plaque buildup. At this stage, your dentist or dental hygienist may give you a short rundown of where they noticed you may need to focus more attention in your at-home oral routine.

8. Finish, we’ll see you in 6 months!
The routine only takes about 35 minutes upon entering the office. Our receptionist will prompt you to book your next routine teeth cleaning 6 months in advance for a flexible and more convenient schedule. 


Office Information

Located in the heart of Katy, TX, our dental office is easily accessible and can be reached for appointments at (832)913-1772.

Meet the Katy Lakes Team

Our dedicated team is committed to providing quality dental care and excellent services to residents of Katy, TX and surrounding cities!

Frequently Asked Questions

It is very much worth it to schedule a dental cleaning because it is almost certainly covered by dental insurance and to ensure healthy and long-lasting oral hygiene. Dental cleanings are one of the most critical stages to preventing further complications, therefore it is strongly recommended by the ADA.

Dental cleaning, including examination and x-rays, is typically covered by your dental insurance as it falls under routine preventative and diagnostic care. For those without dental insurance, you can expect dental cleaning to be estimated around $150 in Katy, TX.

Need to check if your dental insurance covers dental cleaning? Call us today for a complimentary insurance verification or any insurance questions at (832) 913-1772.

American Dentist Association (ADA) recommends a routine dental cleaning every 6 months, or biannually, for most effective results.

It is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes to eat after a dental cleaning. This gives time for the fluoride rinse to settle and strengthen your teeth, and in some cases, allows for your gums to rest and heal.

Dental cleanings typically have mild discomforting pains, depending on the health of your gums and teeth. When undergoing dental cleaning treatments, the initial discomfort is temporary and should dissipate after a few hours.

Dental cleanings usually take 35 minutes to an hour depending on the complexity or severity of the treatment. Healthy gums and teeth take less time to clean!